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HubSpot - Wellington's first Certified Agency Partner

We're excited to be Wellington's first Certified HubSpot Agency Partner. Our website is built on HubSpot's COS (Content Optimisation System, their custom version of CMS, or Content Management System).

We love HubSpot – here's a list of the tools available, how they work for us and how they can help you.

Marketing Platform

  • Analytics
    With comprehensive analytics, all in the one place, it makes it easier keeping track of what's working and what's not.
  • Blogging
    The COS, as they call it, is the same as a traditional CMS with more functionality. We have all the traditional blogging tools without needing to install or maintain extra plugins.
  • Calls-To-Action
    The whole point of blogging is to educate your visitors and prospects so you can out-educate your competition rather than try and outsell the competition. When you capture a visitor's email address you can continue the relationship, offering valuable content and assisting your lead in their journey.
  • Email
    Email marketing is still the most cost effective marketing channel delivering the highest ROI (Return On Investment). You can send email newsletters and offers right from inside the system. Sending emails from inside the same system as your CRM makes it much easier for you to measure the success of every campaign.
  • Landing Pages
    An essential ingredient to every campaign is the landing page. By landing your visitor on a page, with targeted content and less distractions, you can increase conversions (turning a visitor into a lead).
  • Lead Management
    Lead management is done inside the system making it much easier to assess, qualify and track leads.
  • Marketing Automation
    Systemise and humanise your marketing by automating the repetitive tasks and humanise the important tasks. By using marketing automation you can free up your team for the tasks that have more impact.
  • SEO
    Search Engine Optimisation is key to getting to the top of Google, or any other search engines' results page. On screen feedback helps you optimise the page for search engines and – more importantly – improving your user experience which is more important than Search Engines.
  • Social Media
    Once you are publishing content you need to publicise your content. Social media and email marketing are excellent free techniques to share your content. The Social Media system makes it easy to schedule, monitor and measure the impact so you can see what's working well and what's not.
  • Website
    If you've been stuck in a room with me for more than 5 minutes then you've probably heard me say "nobody really wants a website"... however, without a website you're putting your marketing, and business, at risk. By building your own website you own your content and your email list. Sure you can build a business on Facebook; but what happens when they change their algorithm? Check out the impact of the latest changes in the Facebook algorithm. Basically, with Facebook or any other external site, you don't own the content – they own your content – it's their toy so they can change the rules of the game at any time. So "nobody really wants a website" but you definitely need one.

Sales Platform

  • Free CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software
    Yep, they used the F word - it's free. There are a few powerful features you can pay for but the base system is free. The CRM is essential to keep on top of your customers and your customers to be.
  • CRM Features
    We use the CRM to keep details of conversations, meetings, emails and our own notes. Everything is linked from a contact, to a company, to a deal.
  • HubSpot Sales
    We use the system to track deals and keep on top of our sale pipeline. Easy when you have a small team but as things grow this gets trickier. By systemising your sales process you can also stop things falling through the cracks.

Why we chose HubSpot

After extensive research, over several years, and trying numerous different systems we decided HubSpot was the best for our business and most (one size does not fit all) of our clients.

So far we've been pretty impressed with the system and just how extensive the toolset is (and still finding new features).

We're looking to launch our new site in soon so if you'd like to be the first to know, or if you have any questions, please contact us using the form below. Or, if you can't wait that long then please book a meeting with Mike now.


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